Russia monitors talk of Turkish base in Azerbaijan: Kremlin
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Russia was in close contact with Turkey, a NATO member, on stabilizing the situation in the southern Caucasus
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Russia was in close contact with Turkey, a NATO member, on stabilizing the situation in the southern Caucasus
WHO guidance to help the world reach the target of reducing
suicide rate by one-third by 2030
President Joe Biden on his first foreign foray sought to cast Russia not as a direct competitor to the United States but as a bit player in world where Washington is increasingly pre-occupied by China.
The leaders agree to return their Ambassadors to their posts in an attempt to lower tensions.
Zhou wrote both sides should dust off previously agreed confidence-building measures
“India supports freedom of navigation, overflight, and unimpeded commerce in these international waterways.”
For the first time in two decades, the number of children being put to work has risen – to 160 million worldwide, representing an increase of 8.4 million over four years – while millions of other are at risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new UN report launched on Thursday.
By Valentin Yakushik What can we infer from the decision of the American authorities to abandon
In a virtual address at a session on ‘open societies and open economies’ at the G7 summit, the prime minister highlighted India’s civilisational commitment to democracy, freedom of thought and liberty, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
Unlike previous years, the international arms trade did not expand