
Conditions in Syria’s Al Hol camp “appalling”: UN

As the people of north-west Syria face intensifying violence, tens of thousands of women and children continue to be kept in “inhumane conditions” in a remote camp on the other side of the country, UN-appointed independent investigators said on Wednesday.

Photo: UNHCR/Al Hol Camp

Why are Arab countries reestablishing ties with Syria?

Syria’s relations with the Arab world are expected to witness a major breakthrough. In particular, this is being witnessed at the diplomatic level with Arab states reestablishing diplomatic ties with Damascus, as well as in the economic front with trade and investments being sought in Syria.

Why Saudi Arabia’s Deradicalization Program is Successful

Rather than depending solely on security measures, Saudi Arabia started to focus on designing rehabilitation programs directed at extremists inside the Saudi prisons, through psychological and social counselling, and educating them out of their intolerant understanding of Islam.

Photo: European Eye on Radicalization

Security Council makes first ever Iraq visit

The Security Council has concluded a first-ever visit to Iraq on Saturday, five years on from the proclamation, by the ISIL terrorist group, of a “caliphate” in the country. The visit also took in a trip to Kuwait.

Photo: UNAMI