Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


Gulf Migration, Remittances and Religion: Interplay of faith and prosperity among Syrian Christians in Kerala

Christians, including the Syrian Christians of Kerala, constitute 18.6 per cent of the population of Kerala accounting for 6 million people. Of them the Syrian Christians—one of the oldest Christian sects in the world—comprise nearly 3 million. With a high rate of education, occupational diversification, few local job opportunities in the community, Syrian Christians have migrated to other states in India and abroad.

Nepal’s Expanding Engagement with Europe

Overall, though Oli’s Europe tour has come in for some criticism from analysts in Nepal, it can be expected to boost Nepal’s expanding development partnership with the European Union that remains a symbol of ‘normative power’ that the Oli government also aims to emulate along with its drive to ensure political stability and economic development.

Photo: PTI