Future of global trade remains deeply uncertain
West and south Asia saw the sharpest declines, with imports dropping by 23 per cent, and exports by 29 per cent.
West and south Asia saw the sharpest declines, with imports dropping by 23 per cent, and exports by 29 per cent.
According to the report, with the COVID-19pandemic continuing to spread, many countries have slowed reopening, and some are reinstating partial lockdowns.
According to WTO, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a highly uneven effect on different sectors, as the overall world average fell by 21 per cent.
Stating that we need more joint ventures, more investments in the infrastructure and the manufacturing sector. “The role of Sovereign Wealth Funds in facilitating this will be very critical,” Mr. Bhattacharyya said
A new Uzbek satellite city in Tashkent Province and Kazakh-Uzbek trade centre straddling the border will lead to closer trade relations between the two countries, observers say.
Australia’s escalating tensions with Beijing have shown up its reliance on China trade and propelled a push to increase links with Asia’s other giant economy, India.
The minister estimated that between US$300 million and US$550 million worth businesses will emerge as part of the deal.
Ambassador Sayeed explained that the expansion of the network was a necessity and long overdue as the economic relations between the two friendly nation’s have grown multifold and the bilateral commercial activities have spread across the kingdom.
The three countries will launch a new initiative to achieve supply chain resilience in the region
Most ratings agencies and economists had projected contraction in India’s GDP for the first quarter of 2020-21.