China’s Belt & Road Initiative Reaches Italy: Breaching the G7 Western fortress
Italy’s inclusion marks a fundamental shift in China’s grand project
Photo: Reuters/File
Italy’s inclusion marks a fundamental shift in China’s grand project
Photo: Reuters/File
Though India has achieved almost universal coverage in the area of drinking water services, a majority of the rural population is not using safely managed drinking water
The last Soviet era ruler in Central Asia, Nazarbayev elevated Kazakhstan’s profile in the international community
Photo:Margulan Zholaman
China has said its leaders have the right to approve the Dalai Lama’s successor, as a legacy inherited from China’s emperors.
Photo: Vincent J. Ricardel/Getty Images
IT and health care professionals will continue to be recruited from Asia
Photo: Jack Brewer/ MPI
The view from Muzzafarabad
Photo: Wikimedia/Creative Commons Attribution
The visit also signals that Tehran still plays a dominant role in Iraqi politics.
Photo: AFP
#WIKI4WOMEN is an initiative led by UNESCO and Wikimedia
International Women’s Day
Work-related gender gaps have not seen any meaningful improvement for 20 years, but a new ILO report says that the path to progress is clear.
© Community Eye Health
We stand at interesting and rather daunting crossroads in global and domestic politics. The impact of the US General Election 2020 will be global and vast and will be scrutinized by all the nations of the world. The current President of the United State, Donald Trump, will run as the Republican nominee. What we do not know is, who will be the candidate on the opposite side. The social media is the modern day news carrier and so far we know that the following candidates have announced their intention to run for Presidency for certain: Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Kamal Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard, among others to come. Of them the three are women and one is a “woman of color”. This spread of gender and ethnic identity is indeed quite spectacular.