Remembering Lamya Haji Bashar
The main demand of the Yazidis now is a war crimes tribunal for the Da’esh, on the lines of the Nuremberg trials.
Photo: Lamya Haji Bashar in New Delhi, 2017
The main demand of the Yazidis now is a war crimes tribunal for the Da’esh, on the lines of the Nuremberg trials.
Photo: Lamya Haji Bashar in New Delhi, 2017
Now that the Article 370 has been abrogated, the Islamisation of the Kashmir issue will turn grimmer. More and more Islamo-supremacist, pan-Islamist political organisations and the self-styled social and welfare movements will join the ranks of JIJ&K. However, the chief lesson that Muslims in India particularly need to learn from all this is that they must not heed the ‘Islamisation’ of the conflict zones in the world, including in Kashmir.
Despite the optimistic statements by politicians both in Russia and the US that ISIS has been destroyed, experts are aware that this is far from the truth.
Whatever India is accused of, is also committed by Pakistan. In many respects the Pakistanis have usually taken the lead in dismemberment of J&K and adopted legerdemain as the tactic, paving the way for India to emulate it.
Photo: ANI
The ultimate divisibility of J&K was a political reality, because the status quo had become unendurable and was against the democratic aspirations of the people. Addressing the Ladakh issue therefore was to be taken purely on strategic consideration especially for laying the foundation for long-term solution for Kashmir crisis
The Central Asian republics were significantly influenced by Turkey during the time of the Soviet Union, and that influence has increased since 1991 when they gained their independence.
To mark the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has stressed that “human trafficking is a heinous crime that affects every region of the world” – especially women and children.
Photo: UNHCR/Bahia Egeh
If President Trump understood India’s geopolitical context or valued the long-term relationship between India and the U.S., he would rely less on Twitter and more on tact.
Photo: file/Reuters
Afghan women have “paid a high price” during their country’s nearly four decades of conflict, the United Nations deputy chief said on Friday, addressing the Security Council a day after Kabul had been hit with a fresh round of “horrific” bomb attacks.
Photo: UN Photo
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the first Iraqi War, major strategic and geopolitical changes took place in the world. Therefore, the United States sought to consolidate its dominance over the world, in order to insure the continuity of its superiority also in the 21st century.
Photo: File/Reuters