After Netanyahu’s Moscow visit Iran insists Moscow ties ‘strong’
On a visit to Moscow last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had met with Russian President Vladimir Putin
Photo: Courtesy Embassy of Israel in Russia
On a visit to Moscow last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had met with Russian President Vladimir Putin
Photo: Courtesy Embassy of Israel in Russia
Ten countries accounted for approximately three-quarters of the total increase in measles in 2018,including significant outbreaks inBrazil, Madagascar, the Philippines, Ukraine, and Yemen
Photo:© UNICEF/UN0284068/Rabezandriny
We stand at interesting and rather daunting crossroads in global and domestic politics. The impact of the US General Election 2020 will be global and vast and will be scrutinized by all the nations of the world. The current President of the United State, Donald Trump, will run as the Republican nominee. What we do not know is, who will be the candidate on the opposite side. The social media is the modern day news carrier and so far we know that the following candidates have announced their intention to run for Presidency for certain: Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Kamal Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard, among others to come. Of them the three are women and one is a “woman of color”. This spread of gender and ethnic identity is indeed quite spectacular.
The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are working out a single payment
So deep is the mistrust against Pakistan amongst Afghans that some even doubt the authenticity of supports of restraint.
Photo: Tauseef Mustafa/AFP
Women are more than half of Afghanistan’s population. Memory of atrocities during the Afghan civil war and under Taliban rule are engraved in their minds. Afghan women need assurances that their rights and liberties will be protected under any new deal
Photo:Afghan Women’s Network
The tacit arrangement seems to be that as long as Pakistan based terrorist outfits do not support separatists in China’s Muslim-majority restive Xinjiang and do not disrupt its projects under its flagship CPEC, Beijing would continue to protect them from being censored by the international community.
Photo: Reuters
Image:Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR)/Handout