Seductive Uzbekistan sees increased tourist footfall
Who can resist the lure of bewitching Samarqand? Or medieval Khiva? Or devout Bukhara? Generations
Who can resist the lure of bewitching Samarqand? Or medieval Khiva? Or devout Bukhara? Generations
Among the most prominent reasons behind religious and sectarian clashes in the Arab world today is the belief in exclusiveness of the “right-to” the absolute truth, and the reluctance to accept diversity and respect religious pluralism.
Photo: theChive/Pinterest
Deaths caused by infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria will skyrocket over the next two decades, along with huge economic costs, without immediate, ambitious and coordinated action, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and partners warned on Monday.
Move comes as a huge diplomatic win for India
under the BRI, the Chinese are essentially building a mercantilist system in parallel in which tenders and contracts are won only by Chinese enterprises.
Photo: Belt and Forum News
Armenia and India have had centuries long relations and contacts, which have to be maintained
Forum aims to promote the economic potential of Navoi, a region rich in natural resources,
Rivals Russia and China back the US on the key formula of a peace deal it is negotiating in Afghanistan – withdrawing troops in return for Taliban pledges not to welcome foreign extremists.
Women are worried that even religious conservatives, warlords and strongmen who dominate Afghanistan’s US-backed leadership – and whose attitudes toward women often differ little from the Taliban – will trade away their rights to reach a deal.
China is gradually becoming a “European” power; apart from Washington and Moscow now Europe has another big foreign player in the region.