The Anatomy of the anti-CAA NCR Campaign

By Shael Sharma
The anatomy of a protest in a democracy has a short half-life. The appetite for idealism fades very quickly as things start to catch fire. It is exactly this that has played out since the Narendra Modi BJP led NDA Government shanghaied the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 through both houses of the Parliament in brute majority!
As arson, mob violence, shooting moves up the escalation ladder people want to go back to procreating, paying mortgages and their kids’ college fees. They don’t want nervous excitement beyond a day or two. The appetite for violence is
limited even through the myriad anger and frustration of causes sometimes leads the silent, employed, taxpaying majority to seek a momentary catharsis in it.
That moment came and passed leaving an ugly reality of scorched street littered with burning tyres, torched police and private vehicles. The casualties were both hapless policemen and stone pelting, arsonist lynchmobs often infiltrated with criminal sociopaths to foreign intelligence moles depending on who you believe. As nervous exhaustion sets in, both CAA and NRC protest is stillborn.
Malcontents in the Muslim ghettos of the mind will remain but for illegal immigrants, mainly from Bangladesh and the Rohingya, the future in Indian cities looks less than promising.
The Indian Muslims once again seem to have lost a huge opportunity to stand up and be counted and better their lot in employment, education and healthcare. Instead they behaved predictably and were used and thrown by foreign interests and political agents as has been their wont since the 1857 Mutiny, Khilafat, and 1947 Partition.
Our Muslims need their own leaders not commission agents, Congress, Communists, unpredictable Mamata, Bhim Army and other opportunist constructs. They need to get out of the ghettos of the mind and into the mainstream as a proud and prosperous community.
Congress and Communists and their clones like AAP, SP, spread in sporadic corners of India in Muslims votebanks behind the scorched earth campaign are all in a spot of bother. As Police moves to register cases and preventive detention using the ubiquitous Sec 144 of the Indian Penal Code to kill the protests, it is a bonfire of vanities for many in the old Macaulay Orphan narrative gravy train carrying intellectuals, influencers and media. Not only Modi and Shah stood firm and they have won the battle of wits.
Of course the devil is in the details. Babudom nearly did mess it up for the BJP but now the knives are out for them too both in the Intelligence Agencies and Internal Security corridors across the Home Ministry in Connaught Place to the PMO in Raisina Hill. There is a massive law enforcement and intelligence operation to ensure things don’t go out of hand. The usually boring Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is doing more than spew crusty socialist gruel with its PIB firing on all cylinders with myth busters on CAA / NRC. This is going down all ducks in row, tic tac toe.
Lastly on the media and influencers, a majority of whom read this badly. Terrorist attacks don’t have the potency of partition violence memories, lying latent in most Indians today of immigrant origin. People want peace and order. Not police in riot gear brandishing MP5 submachine guns and Glock pistols with safety’s off. They want to go back to the familiar landscape of lazy outrage over Rape, Economy, and Bollywood and Netflix Shows.
He who dares wins! Take a bow India!
(Shael Sharma is a Mumbai-based commentator on Defense, foreign affairs, politics. Views are personal and reflect only the writer’s. )