Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

“Eastern Economic Forum is one of great significance”: Narendra Modi

The Prime Minister also strongly pitched for Indian human resource to develop Russia’s Far East, which is sparsely populated, and where, he reminded, India was the first contry to open a consulate when Vladivostok was still a closed city, something that testifies to the “high trust that our two countries share”.

Photo: Courtesy Jagran Josh

Special chemistry between him and President Putin, hopes for a multipolar world, Indo-Russian cooperation in the Far East, his fitness regime and concern for the preservation of tigers are some of the things that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked about in an exclusive interview to Russian journalist Mikhail Gussman of TASS and Rossiskaya Gazetta, just on the eve of his visit to Vladivostok – the firest ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister there – to attend the India-Russia bilateral summit and as the Special Guest of the Eastern Economic Forum.

Concerning his expectations from the summit, the prime minsiter said “Regarding India and Russia, I woul like to mention that two years ago, on the invitation of President Vladimir Putin I visited St. Petersburg for the economic forum. To this forum I was invited a year ago, even before the last parliamentary elections, and no one knew who woul win them. But he confidently told, me “Come”. Such confidence, trust, respect and love for a friend is in itself very important.

“Concerningn ties between India and Russia, I know that thee are not limited to  policies and the two capitals – Delhi and Moscow. India is a huge and diverse country. Each country of the world has its own strong points. And if we have to develop relations we have to know the entire country. I suppose that if we do not acquaint ourselves with the Far East of Russia then we will not know Russia in its entirety. This is a very powerful region. When I was last in St. Petersbury, I could spend half a day interacting with the governor of the Far Eastern region. Many representatives of the Far East came to the international investment foum ‘Vibrant Gujarat’. I am prepared to expend efforts so that this far eastern forum can infuse new energy, new depth and broaden the economic relations between India and Russia. That is why I consider this forum to be one of great significance. ”

Saying that the forum was not simply limited to visits and exchange of views, Prime Minister Modi pointed out that preparations for the forum had been underway for months. “We prepred for this forum for almost six months. A big delegation from the Far East visited us. Chief Ministers of our states, government ministers, entrepreneurs also went to the Far East, saw the region fo themselves. And no I am going. I am certain that this visit will impart a new thrust, new direction, new energy to relations from both sides.

Modi has now pledged $ 1 billion credit line for the development of Russia’s Far East, a resource rich region. He made the commitment at the summit. He has also strongly pitched for Indian human resource to develop the region, which has a sparse population, and where, he reminded in the interview, India was the first contry to open a consulate when the city was still a closed one, something that testifies to the “high trust that our two countries share”.

Saying that the development of Russia’s Far East required a labor force, he pointed otu that development of Russia’s Far Eastern region required  man power. “India has much potential in this area For instance, in the countries of the Persian Gulf for the last 30-40 years almost 9 millino Indians have been engaged in the work force. In any contry of West Asia, Persian Gulf, if you go there you will be told with gladness about the contribution of Indians and their labor to the development of those contries over the past 40 years.

“But Indians have another characteristic,,” he contiued “Of the 9 million people who have been living in those countries for the past 40 years continuosly and have been working consciencetiosly none have given up their Indian citizenship. They all remain citizens of India, their families live in India. They keep visiting India, and are in constant contact with their relatives. All of this is a characteristic of the Indian people.” I am sure if a million Indians go to work in the Far East, they will all return from Russia after they finish their work.”

This proposal has great potential. India’s ministry of external affairs has earlier also spoken about ‘joint development” of this region of the Russian Federation. If translated into action this will help both India and Russia. India is facing a jobless growth and unemployment is on the rise. Simultaneously, with the Arabization and localisation of the job markets in the Gulf region – where Indian labour traditionally headed to – job opportunities for Indians there have shrunk. At the same time Russia’s Far East, sparsely populated as it is, is seeing an influx of Chinese immigrants, which has territorial implications as both Russia and China share a border. Indian labour in Russia thus holds out prospects and Modi’s characterization of Indians who ‘remain Indian citizens’ and will ‘return to India” if they do go to work in Russia can be interpreted as assuring Russians that Indian labour will not constitute any demographic or other changes in Russia.

On a question of his personal dialogue and ‘special chemistry’ with Russian president Putin, the prime minister responded by saying: “The first time I had the opportunity to meet with President Putin was in 2001. Then I had gone to Moscow with our then PM Atal Behari Vajpayee. I was the Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat when we met but Putin did not let me feel that I was any less important than the others, that I was from a small state, that I was new. He was as friendly with me as he was with the others. As a result the doors to friendship remained open. We did not only discuss things regarding our countries, but we discussed the most diverse matters, about oru interests and then about the world and world affairs. We had open discussions, as close people. It is very interesting to talk to him and I acknowledge that interacting with him is very illuminating.

Next, Putin is a very open person. He talks frankly and expects others to be frank with him too. That is why we can interact without ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. That is why it is easy for us to convey to him oru opinion.

I know that he is physically a very active and fit person, I like that very much.

He is also concerned about the environment, wildlife, underwater, the conservation of tigers and so on. I am also like that and that is why there are many things which connect us together.

Third, India and Russia possess converging views on almost all international issues. And when they do not totally converge, the distance is not much. So these things also greatly impact oru relationship. With each meeting that I have with President Putin we draw closer to each other and our relationship develops further.”

A multipolar world was ‘another dream” that the prime minister shares with President Putin. “…we also have unanimous views in many multilateral formats. Russia has always taken a position friendly to us. We together with Russia dream about a multipolar world. This is what the world needs today. We have entered a unipolar world from a bipolar one, but now we are gradually moving towards a multipolar one. So we must carefully think out all issues of this forward movement in order to gradually move ahead. India and Russia have the same view on this.”

Pointing out that India and Russia often have converging views on most international issues, Prime Minister Modi said “Our relations have been tested by different experiences and have proved its strength for the past 50-60 years, especially over the last 20 years, on all foreign policy issues India and Russia have a similar position. Our common perspective have influenced world politics. Just see: we are not neighbors, we do not have a common boder, but our souls are similar. Therefore nothing impedes our cooperation. Im always surprised that Russians know Indian film songs moe than I do. They know all the words and even meanings.”

“At the function to mark the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Russian artists who have lived all their lives in Russia sang religious songs in Gujarati, the language of my state. I even showed the video to President Putin”

On a question on military and defence cooperation between India and Russia Modi said “relations between India and Russia should not be one of buyer –seller. We are close friends and as close friends we must think of what we can accomplish together in the future. IT is well developed in india and growing, we are cooperating in space. Now when we are executing the ‘Gaganyan’ project, Russia will help prepare our cosmonauts. Thus oru cooperation is not limited to only defence abut go beyond them…..ith the transfer of technology, India can manufacture defence material at a lower cost. So we can offer such hardware to third contries. India and Russia must make use of such opportunities.”

On a question on the current situation in Kashmir, Modi said, ”

See, Kashmir has a long history. When India attained freedom in 1947 it was divided, and Pakistan appeared. From its very birth Pakistan dreamt of destroying India, and this began with Kashmir. It divided Kashmir, a significant portion is occupied by Pakistan. And even today Pakistan’s army kill people in this part of Kashmir. India is constantly working for the welfare of the people in its part of Kashmir. We have facilitated the good and peaceful development of Kashmir – in the films of Raj Kapoor you can also see scenes shot in Kashmir.

And this is just what Pakistan did not like, that is why they fought against us, but could not win. And then they began the covert war against us. For 40 years they have turned Kashmir and Ladakh into a terrorist base.

Over the last 20-25 years 43 thousand innocent people have beenkilled. We have captured thousands of kilograms of explosives, thousands of AK47s. Pakistan is constantly exporting terrorism, terrorism has become an industry. They have created alienation from Indians in Kashmiris.

From the time of Jawaharlal Nehru we tried to resolve this problem. But it was not resolved. Now India pays special attention to the rights of its citizens in Kashmir. You will be surprised that women in Kashmir did not have those rights that other Indian women enjoyed. The ordinary Kashmiris did not have the same rights that other ordinary people of India have. Those people who had to come to India from Pakistan in 1947 received al rights. But those who came to Kashmir did not have equal rights. They were not even given the right to participate in electins. Anti-corruption laws were not applied to Kashmir.

Kashmiris expressed dissatisfaction, they waited a long time to receive their rights. We consider that they should also have rights, and opportunities for development. They must have the right to stand on their own feet. That is why we are doing it all for the welfare of the peple of Kashmir.

Talking about election, in India and even beyond its boders all were sure that our government woul return to power, people only doubted whether we would get a majority , some thoht that we would not have absolute majority. But the mood of our people was such that we can enter history, having received such a huge mandate. I am grateful to the Indian people for this.

And PP loves India. India and Russia consider that we can develop together, I am certain of this and so is PP. And we are confident that our people together can give much to the word.”

The Prime Minister also spoke about his love for nature and wild life and his initiatives to preserve both, something that fetched him the “Champions of the Earth” award in 2018 from the UN.

“We must leave future generations a safe planet, a safe world,” he said, something that India is working towards. Recalling his days as Chief Minister of Gujarat, he said, “…at that time I did not thingk whether the UN knew me or not. I acted as the protector of nature, and tigers in my state. I worked hard for this. Since all of this is part of our culture and traditions. ….We must not kill the environment. We must respect nature, conserve her, worship her, all of this is part of oru culture. And it is good that now the whole world is thinking of this.”

In the same way the prime minister’s “Fit India” campaign was also launched to make health a priority and to make it a collective goal which would automatically make it easier for people to follow a fitness regime.

As an ancient civilisation with rich traditions, the Prime Minister said that India’s chosen path of development is one where there is not place for conflict between the old and the new. “Because the main mantra India is – this is not revolution, which talks of destruction, denial of the old. India talks about evolution, and not revolution.”

“We believe in the immortal soul, that the body changes depending on the circumstances, but the soul remains unchanged. The Almighty did so that our bodies, after  a period of time decays, and a new body appears. Thus we work on such a formula: in a new body we act with new energy.”

Recalling the words of Mahatma Gandhi and the Buddha, he said “..we believe in the unity of the living: al animals, birds, people, white and black, from the east and from the west are one. We consider the whole world to be a family. And therefore we choose the path of no conflict – the path of discussions, mutual understanding, dialogue. This is the main mantra of the idea of India!”

On asked what prinicples he believed in while governing a country as diverse as India with a billion plus population Modi responded : “Firsft, India is a culturally united community. We accept this. Secondly, we know the perception of people from other countries, that all must be governed and directed, but attempts to govern a country like India in such a way is doomed to fail. Therefore it is not worth trying. India accepts freedom and diversity. We respect freedom and diversity. We refused direct rule and have staked on relaying information on what we consider the necessary governance should be like. We convey our message in such a way that a person, in accordance with his own interests, tastes, and opportunities responds to our messages and answers it in his own way.” “Thus it is not I who governs this country, we direct it…..This is the strength of the world “we”, with which we move ahead together with 1.3 billion people, in order to elevate the contry to  greater heights.”


The original interview can be accessed here.


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