Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Most Americans don’t want war with Iran: poll

A recent Gallup poll has revealed that most Americans want the US to take the economic and diplomatic path to pressure Iran to curb its nuclear program rather than take military action against it.

The poll findings released found that there is a broad consensus in these views among supporters of both major political parties.  Of those who participated in the poll 18 % favoured military action against Iran while 78% favored the use of economic and diplomatic efforts.

The survey was conducted July 15-31, starting less than two weeks after the United Kingdom seized an Iranian tanker carrying Iranian fuel products allegedly headed to Syria in violation of EU sanctions against that country.

The data also revealed that when asked what the United States should do if such measures fail to stop Iran’s nuclear program, a notable partisan difference showed up in the preferred action should nonmilitary efforts fail.

Six in 10 Republicans would support military action against Iran in that scenario, whereas 68% of Democrats would remain opposed to it.

The 42% of those who favor military action if nonmilitary efforts fail translates to 35% of all U.S. adults. Combining that group with the 18% who favor military action outright means a slim majority of Americans, 53%, would support military action against Iran if diplomatic and economic efforts are unsuccessful.

Simultaneously, 65% of Americans are concerned that  the U.S. may be taking too aggressive an approach with Iran, a similar percentage, 63%, say they are very or somewhat concerned about the U.S. not doing enough to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. This percentage is also lower than it was when Gallup last asked the question, in 2007 (73%).

The bottom line, Gallup reported, is that while only 9% of Americans consider Iran to be the United States’ greatest enemy, most consider Iran an enemy or unfriendly nation.

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